Energy Medicine

Day Workshop & 2 Day Training
May 31st (12-18), June 1 & 2 (11-18/17) in Dahab

FEE: day 1: 1.500 (anybody) • day 2 & 3: 7.500 (professionals)

Energy Medicine is the third level of “Holistic Medicine”. At this level any person can learn how to keep him/herself in a healthy energetic state… This is one of the best health prevention actions you can take in your daily life. Biomagnetisme is a wonderfull add on to Energy Medicine. We use Matrix Energetics also for easier and quicker use of Energy Medicine…

Program 1 Day Workshop:

Muscle testing methods, product testings, Daily Energy Routine, Meridian tracing and applications.

Program 2 Days Training:

Systematic learning full session sheet of Energy Medicine testing systematically the energy situation of the body • correction and 2 treatment protocols • detailed practical manual, session sheets and useful charts (pdf) included.

As Energy Medicine is the 3rd level of Holistic Medicine, you will be able to keep maximum health within yourself and your clients just by balancing the body’s energy in a perfect method.

A first impression of Energy Medicine
Daily Energy Routine which takes only 5 minutes, you can balance your meridians very easy by Meridian tracing.
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