Upcoming Events

Cairo/ Dahab/ Normandie • May / June 2024

May 31st 12.00 to 18.00: Day 1 Energy Medicine • Dahab (see description here) Stay healthy and full of energy by learning how to use your energy systems for your daily life in an efficiant and easy way…. daily.

June 2nd 11.00 to 18.00 & 3rd 11.00 to 17.00: Day 2 and Day 3 Energy Medicine for Practitioners • Dahab (see description here) Learn how to test and correct the energies of your clients (and your own) to get and keep them healthy. Intensive training (needs also Day 1 for participating).

June 4th: 14.00 to 18.00: Biomagnetisme Workshop • Dahab • for Professionals and Individuals (see description here) Be able to neutralise any microorganisme (virus, bacteria, parasite, mold) within minutes by using 2 magnets following Dr. Goiz.


Learn the basics of Biomagnetism following Dr. Isaac Goiz

Energy Medicine

Learn to test, treat and teach other people with Energy Medicine following Donna Eden

Frequency Medicine

For therapists using the Metavital Human TS system based on Traditional Chinese Medicine combined with Russian High Tech Frequency Medicine

Holistic Medicine Combined Training

For Health Professionals

Holistic Medicine Combined Training

For Individuals

Building Biology & GeoBiology

Learn to measure, test and improve the energy houses yourself

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